Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Historian

Ive wanted to write this book review for a long while now. So long, that I actually kind of forgot what I wanted to say about the book. Im also kind of tired and my lunch break ends in five minutes.

Since that's the case I will try and be succinct:

For the most part, I enjoyed the book. It had ALOT of potential and sounded so intriguing and creepy. The author set the stage for creepiness and would often almost get there but she never actually produced. Even the climax was disappointingly quick and uncreepy. And it is a long and very descriptive and verbose book. Most of the time it was interesting, because I like history and I like travel, but sometimes (more often then I'd like to admit, I think) it was tedious. It was just too academic and not enough scare. If its about vampires and dracula, it should have been scarier. Even when we meet Dracula, he just doesnt quite do it for me. But it was fun and interesting trying to get through it, just left me feeling a bit disappointed.